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No. 5 - Ginger

No. 5 - Ginger

Regular price $47.99 USD
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Ginger - 20 Teabags

Relieves the Occasional Upset Stomacke*

Ginger as a Remedy: “It is right good with meat in sauces, or otherwise in conditures; for it is of an heating and digesting qualitie, and is profitable for the stomacke,...That canded, greene, or condited Ginger is hot and moist, provoking V”  (The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes (1597) - J. Gerard)

Notes: Ginger produces a hot, fragrant spice that was popular in the kitchen during colonial times. Its roots may be steeped as tea, eaten as a spice, or candied with sugar.

Brewing Tips: 1 teabag, 195° water, Steep for 5-7 minutes.

* Please be advised: You should consult with your doctor before making dietary changes. Pregnancy and Lactation: Do not use without the advice of your doctor.

Hand-packaged by Oliver Pluff & Co. in Charleston, South Carolina. 


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